The ever changing and diminishing landscapes of nature is my source of focus and muse. I explore the various observations and subtleties of color, shape, line, and texture within these wild places to be enveloped and intertwined amongst them. It is here where I can escape this high-tech, fast paced world and recenter myself—finding solace, reverence, power and incredible beauty. These particular landscapes and compositions are created to be a visual meditation, intended to evoke a longing to return and immerse oneself back to our roots.



Jennifer graduated from Kutztown University with a BFA in Communication Design, with a duel concentration in illustration and graphic design. While there, her passion for the fine arts never wained and she pursued as many fine art studio courses in watercolor as the program would allow. She has exhibited in several national shows, but mainly focuses on local exhibitions. Her work has been published internationally and she has been a featured artist in several regional exhibitions as well as receiving awards and recognition.

She currently resides in the woods of Cornwall, Pa., but spends much of her time outside the studio in Lancaster, Pa., where she has spent most of her life. Today she balances her focus between illustration and fine art.